Welcome to SaitoYutaka law office in Japan


Hello to everyone in English-speaking countries,

Thank you for visiting our website.

I am Yutaka Saito, a lawyer from Japan.

I have been practicing law in Japan for 25 years.

 I have worked on cases related to divorcechild custodyinheritancecompensation for damages, traffic accident,medical malpractice,labor disputes, industrial accident,business transactions, and debt collection.

I can assist you with various matters, including:

  • Enforcing property in Japan based on judgments obtained abroad
  • Conducting legal proceedings in Japan for parties located here
  • Investigating the status of parties in Japan
  • Business related to human rights due diligence
  • Providing legal advice on Japanese law

We handle cases from any region in Japan.

We will use web conferencing and e-mail as much as possible to minimize the burden of travel during our interactions.

If you would like to consult with me, please contact me via email.

And If you’d like to inquire about legal fees, you can send an email. Feel free to contact us via email. 

Mail Form:https://ws.formzu.net/fgen/S288547741/

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